The following terms are defined as stated below:   

  • Service Provider: Residence32 BV, a limited liability company incorporated and existing under the laws of the Netherlands, holder of the tradename and known as Corporate Housing Solutions, with its office at Torenallee 57 , 5617 BB Eindhoven, the Netherlands;  
  • General Terms and Conditions: these general terms and conditions of Service Provider; 
  • Client: the natural person or legal entity with whom Service Provider enters into an Agreement in respect of one or more serviced apartments or serviced houses, or to whom Service Provider makes an offer in respect of one or more serviced apartments or serviced houses;  
  • Guest: the user(s) or resident(s) that stay(s) in one of Service Provider’s serviced apartments or serviced houses for a short duration;  
  • Agreement: the agreement between Service Provider and a Client in respect of one or more Serviced Apartments or Serviced Houses, consisting of the booking confirmation, and these general terms and conditions;  
  • Short Stay Accommodation: a furnished, serviced residential apartment or house which is available for a temporary stay of minimum 6 nights and maximum 6 months.  


  • These conditions apply to all offers, tenders and agreements between Service Provider and a client and/or guest to which Service Provider has declared these conditions applicable, insofar as the parties have not expressly derogated from these conditions in writing;  
  • In addition, these conditions apply to agreements with Service Provider, the performance of which requires Service Provider to engage third parties;  
  • The rented short stay accommodation may only be used as described in the booking confirmation, for the definite, agreed (short) period and by the person(s) mentioned in the booking confirmation; 
  • Throughout the term of the short-stay, client and/or guest actually use the rented short stay accommodation in a proper manner in accordance with the designated use as indicated in the booking confirmation, and with due observance of the existing restrictive rights and the requirements concerning the use of the rented short stay accommodation set or to be set by the government, the fire department or the utility companies; 
  • Client and/or Guest expressly declares to be aware of the temporary use/nature of the rented short stay accommodation and agrees in advance to the fact that he/she must leave or return the used property at the end of the agreed term in the original state.   


  • All offers made by Service Provider with regard to the formation of an agreement are free of obligation and subject to availability. In the event that – within a term deemed reasonable based on the circumstances following acceptance by Client and/or Guest – Service Provider does not have availability, the relevant agreement will be deemed to not have been formed;  
  • No rights of any kind can be derived from offers made by Service Provider, unless the booking is accepted and confirmed by Service Provider;  
  • Service Provider may at all times refuse to enter into a short-stay reservation, except in the event that such refusal is solely based on one or more of the grounds referred to in Section 429c of the Dutch Criminal Code (discrimination)  
  • Agreements entered into by intermediaries (companies, organisations, relocating consultants, estate agents, travel management companies etc.), whether or not on behalf of their relation(s), will be deemed to have been entered into at the expense and risk of such intermediaries, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing;  
  • Service Provider will not owe intermediaries any provisions or fees of any kind, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing;  
  • The prices stated in the offer are prices, exclusive of VAT, tourist taxes, and other government levies, unless it is stated otherwise;  
  • All additions to or changes of the reservation must be confirmed by email by Service Provider.  
  • Check-ins are possible after 15.00 PM; 
  • Check-outs are possible until 9 AM; If the accommodation is not vacated before 9 AM, Service Provider is allowed to charge a late check out penalty of maximum 150,00. 


  • Service Provider will under no circumstances be liable for loss of any kind suffered by Client and/or Guest and/or third parties unless such loss is a direct consequence of intent or gross negligence on the party of Service Provider or third parties engaged by Service Provider;  
  • Service Provider is not liable for damage to or loss of goods that Client and/or Guest, and/or third parties bring to the rented short stay accommodation;  
  • Client and/or Guest and/or third parties that accompany them are jointly and severally liable for all loss that arises or will arise for Service Provider and/or any third parties as a direct or indirect consequence of default (attributable failure) and/or wrongful acts – including a breach of the house rules or a failure to abide by the user’s instructions – committed by Client and/or Guest or those who accompany him (which does not include third parties engaged by Service Provider), as well as for all damage caused by any pet and/or any substance end/or any item of which they are the holder or that is under their supervision;  
  • In principle, the rented short stay accommodation will be at the disposal of Client and/or Guest or the user from check in on the commencement date of the reservation or written confirmation, until check out on the last day of the reservation or confirmation, or as otherwise agreed in writing;  
  • In the event of force majeure or unforeseen circumstances as a result of which the rented short stay accommodation is (temporarily) unavailable, Service Provider is obliged to offer Client and/or Guest/resident, user or resident a temporary, comparable accommodation or a replacement of the rented short stay accommodation that was or should have been made available in accordance with the agreement or the written confirmation, which (temporary) alternative must in principle be accepted. In the event that Client and/or Guest/resident, user or resident evidently considers this too inconvenient, he/she will be authorised to terminate the agreement or written confirmation with immediate effect without further expenses, unless otherwise agreed in writing. In the abovementioned cases, Service Provider will under no circumstances be liable to compensate any loss of any kind;  
  • Client and/or Guest will at all times comply with the house rules. The house rules are available in the Allthings “Comfortable Living” App, to which every guest has access during their stay in the rented short stay accommodation;  
  • Service Provider and Client and/or Guest, expressly agree that, if Client and/or Guest repeatedly breaks the house rules, or uses the rented short stay accommodation in such a way or otherwise behaves in such a way that the order and the peace in or around the rented short stay accommodation or the building in which the rented short stay accommodation is situated may be or is disturbed, and/or the normal exploitation thereof may be or is hindered, and he fails to change his behaviour after this has been pointed out to him in writing, this will be considered an attributable failure that justifies termination of the agreement/reservation;  
  • Client and/or Guest will at all times treat the rented short stay accommodation and its inventory and furniture with due care and will return the rented short stay accommodation and its inventory and furniture in the original state at check-out. If and insofar as there is damage to the rented short stay accommodation, Client and/or Guest must immediately report this to Service Provider; 
  • If Client and/or Guest cannot return a provided key, tag or card, a penalty fee of €110,- excluding VAT will be charged per lost item. If the door has to be opened by a locksmith, Client and/or Guest will be charged. During weekdays between 08.00 AM and 08.00 PM the locksmith’s fee is €90,00 including VAT, During evenings (08.00 PM – 08:00 AM), weekends or holidays the fee is €125,00 including VAT. 
  • In the event of damage to the rented short stay accommodation, or in the event the rented short stay accommodation is left in such a condition that normal cleaning hours don’t suffice to return the apartment to the original state, Service Provider reserves the right to charge the costs of repairs, extra cleaning costs, steaming of curtains, or replacements of inventory or furniture to Client and/or Guest;
  • Service Provider and all persons appointed by it are authorised to enter the rented short stay accommodation on working days during office hours for cleaning activities, repairs and inspections of the rented short stay accommodation. In the event of emergencies, Service Provider is authorised to enter the rented short stay accommodation outside of these hours as well;  
  • Client and/or Guest is aware of the fact that smoking in the rented short stay accommodation is not allowed. If, Client and/or Guest smokes inside the property, Service Provider is allowed to impose a fine of €350, to be charged for repainting walls and steaming curtains; 
  • It is not allowed to sublet the rented property entirely or in part, or allow third parties to use it, or to offer the rented property to third parties for rent or use. If Client and/or Guest submits the rented property, Service Provider is allowed to terminate the agreement immediately;  
  • Service Provider is not responsible for damage caused by wrongful information given by or in name of client and/or guest/resident. Service Provider reserves the right to charge consequential lost revenue and/or extra costs to Client and/or Guest/resident.  
  • Client and/or Guest is responsible for the disposal of garbage and used paper.  
  • If Client and/or Guest moves furniture without putting back the furniture at the original location, Service Provider is allowed to charge extra costs to Client and/or Guest. 


  • In most accommodations, pets are not allowed. Client and/or Guest can only bring pets after written approval by Service Provider. Keeping pets without permission can result in a penalty of €350,- being charged;
  • If pet(s) are allowed to stay,  a daily pet fee of €10,- for the first pet per day is applicable, and an additional pet fee of €5,- per pet per day. Next to that, a deposit of  €250,- for pets is mandatory. This deposit will be used to cover any damages caused by pet(s) up to an amount of €250,- Client and/or Guest is liable for all losses that arise for Service Provider as a result of damages or user traces caused by pet(s).
  • The following rules should be obeyed at all times:  
  • Pets are not allowed to sleep on the furniture or beds. It is mandatory to use a cover for your cat litter box. Dogs are not allowed to relieve themselves on our premises or parking lot.   
  • A self-inspection for any damages or user traces regarding pets of the apartment is mandatory when checking in a pet. Client and/or guest will receive an email with a digital form from Service Provider upon arrival to document these damages or user traces. It is required to complete and return this form within 24 hours after check-in. If no inspection form is completed, then it is taken that the state of the apartment was fine upon arrival;  
  • If the (cleaning) staff notices new damages or user traces during your stay, these will be reported. If Service Provider finds it necessary, an inspection will be planned and costs for any noted damages or user traces will be charged to the resident or user;  At check-out, the apartment will be checked by our cleaning staff and damages or user traces will be reported to Service Provider staff. Any loss resulting from damages or user traces caused by pet(s) will be charged against the deposit. If the deposit doesn’t cover all the costs, an extra invoice will be made for the remaining costs. The refund of the deposit or notification about the charges against the deposit will be sent within four weeks after check-out;


  • The agreement entered into with Service Provider ends by operation of law on the agreed date as indicated in the agreement, without a prior notice being required;  
  • Client and/or Guest is aware of and automatically agrees to the fact that, on the agreed date, the rented short stay accommodation must be delivered and/or returned in the state in which Client and/or Guest originally received it;  
  • Earlier termination of the agreed term needs a notice of at least 7 nights in advance, counting from the day of the written notice.  The notice must be sent before 9.00 AM. All nights that are cancelled later than 7 nights in advance, will be charged;  
  • Service Provider has the authorisation to deregister Client and/or Guest at the municipality after they have checked out of the accommodation.  
  • Service Provider is authorized to provide personal data of client and/or guest to the municipality if they request information about the tenants of the address.


  • Confirmed services to be provided must be cancelled at least 7 nights before the commencement date of the lease to prevent cancellation costs. Nights are counted from the day of the written notice until the first initially booked night. All nights that are cancelled later than 7 nights in advance, will be charged;  
  • In the event of a no show, Client and/or Guest is liable to pay a no-show fee of 7 nights;  
  • Extensions of the rental period must be requested as soon as possible because it is subject to availability. Extensions are only valid if they have been confirmed in writing by Service Provider. Alternative arrangements may apply in some cases. Client and/or Guest is aware of this and agrees that no rights whatsoever can be derived from a requested extension. Requests for extensions must be made at least 5 days prior to the end of the rental period;  
  • Options on a reservation will remain in place for a maximum of 24 hours, after which they will be deleted without notice, unless they are confirmed in writing and concerted into a booking confirmation.  


  • Payments must be made before checking in to the rented short stay accommodation, in the manner indicated by Service Provider and in the invoiced currency. When paying by any kind of credit card, card details must be provided to Service Provider at least 5 days before the commencement date;  
  • Client and/or Guest will owe payment in respect of invoices from the moment they are presented to him. This includes invoices regarding cancellations, no-shows and damages;  
  • In the event that Client and/or Guest fails to pay in a timely matter, he will be in default without any notice of default being required. If Client and/or Guest is in default, he must compensate Service Provider for all the costs, both legal and extrajudicial, involved in the collection. In addition to that, a Client and/or guest in default will owe an amount in interest that is equal to the statutory interest;  
  • In the event that Client and/or Guest does not pay at all, Service Provider is authorised to terminate the agreement immediately. Client and/or Guest will not receive compensation when termination occurs due to lack of payment.  


  • Items that are left behind by third parties must be brought to a member of Service Provider staff;  
  • Items that are not claimed within 7 days, will become property of Service Provider;  
  • Service Provider is not obliged to send any items left behind by third parties;  
  • If Service Provider sends the left items to their rightful owner, the costs and risks are for the personal account of Client and/or Guest.  
  • Service Provider is not responsible for Items that are left behind by Client and/or Guest or third parties;  
  • If Client and/or Guest leaves garbage, paper waste or other items, Service Provider is authorised to charge extra costs to Client and/or Guest; 


  • Client and/or Guest indemnifies Service Provider against any claims from third parties that suffer a loss in connection with the performance of the agreement, the cause of which can be attributed to parties other than Service Provider;  
  • Service Provider processes personal details, credit card details and copies of passports or identification cards in connection with its services. These details are processed with due observance of the GDPR Compliance (General Data Protection Regulation). The privacy of all clients and/or guests is respected, and Service Provider ensures that the personal details provided to us are treated confidentially. Personal details will not be sold to this parties and will only be made available to third parties if this is essential to the provision of the offered service;  
  • Service Provider is allowed to change or add to the General Terms and Conditions at all times. 
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